

The Orthphoto exhibition - check your submission, add missing photos from other countries

Dear users! Thank you very much for your submissions! We have received over 300 photos from 74 users, from 19 countries.
With this news we would like to ask you to verify your submission and ask you to help us with collecting photos from other countries (you can send more photos even if you have already sent 5). We want to make our exhibition as wide as possible.

If you did not send your photos because you have missed the deadline, this is the last call for your submission.
If you send your selection now, at least we will add your photos to the slideshow presentation which will be presented during openings.

The final deadline is April, 12. You can find more details here:

Help with extending list of countries.
Please visit this page:
and check which countries are missing on our list. If we have less than 20 photos or the country is not on the list, we hope you will help us to change it!
Deadline and procedure is the same as for those who did not send their photos at all. This way you can enlarge yuor  number of submitted photos.

Check your submission.
We want to be sure, that we do not miss any of your submissions and do not make mistakes.
Please visit this page:
After login to site you should see which photos you have submitted, also check the description please!
If you find mistakes please report them on this address:

We are waiting for your photos and your help

Editorial Team
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