OrthPhoto was created to share the beauty of Orthodoxy around the world. Many newspapers and websites ask if they can use our photos. Very often these requests need an immediate reply. Our volunteer team has given our authors the right to decide about photo rights for the photos they upload. The photo authors need to give permission if others want to use the photos.

Not every user wants to share photos with everybody, so we have decided that one option is for OrthPhoto users to keep rights to their present photos.
To simplify and speed up the request process, the OrthPhoto editorial team will accept requests to be an OrthPhoto partner.

What it means:
We are starting by simplifying the system to request photos. All the organizations and websites on the list have the right to non-commercial use of photos from the website. OrthPhoto is developing tools to help them link to author pages or to photos when they are used. There is also a tool to inform OrthPhoto authors when a specific photo is used.

We have also some hi-resolution files which can be used for special requests from newspapers or publications. When a photo is used for publication and if we have the author’s address, we ask partners to send printed copies to the photographer.

In future we hope to have better cooperation with other Orthodox websites so they can automatically present some of our photos to their audience.

If you are an organization and you want to be on the list, please write us an email, telling us about yourself and your needs and, if possible, a letter from the church you represent, and we will decide if you can be on the list.

It is possible to use a single photo without being on the list, but the editorial team still needs to approve the use and the author of the photo should be informed.

Partnership List

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