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2006.10.18 12:41 total/number of votes 95/32
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jovana Serbia  slideshow
Maнастир светог Јована Сучајевског   favorites  

Daniel 2007.11.11 [11:24] report to moderation
!!!!!!!! 3
ioann 2007.02.02 [20:24] report to moderation
popovic 2007.01.26 [18:24] report to moderation
!!! 3
alexbd 2007.01.12 [01:10] report to moderation
!!! 3
nicos_valahul 2006.10.27 [09:44] report to moderation
Foarte frumos! 3
aleh69 2006.10.26 [11:50] report to moderation
mircea_valcu 2006.10.25 [20:55] report to moderation
zhelach 2006.10.24 [15:45] report to moderation
Игорь П 2006.10.20 [06:02] report to moderation
Radek 2006.10.20 [01:04] report to moderation
Jako lepo! 3
marina 2006.10.19 [19:17] report to moderation
Невероватни Румуни ! :)
Целу су цркву исцртали ! Чак и кров ! :)
Осим што су изузетни математичари, мора да имају велики потенцијал за сликарство :)
Хвала, Јоцке ! Поздрав !!!
skoufisy 2006.10.19 [06:39] report to moderation
Zoran Sremski 2006.10.19 [00:33] report to moderation
dragana 2006.10.19 [00:06] report to moderation
одлична фотографија 3
nenadkosovac 2006.10.18 [23:24] report to moderation
mihaela 2006.10.18 [18:54] report to moderation
Fr. Ioakeim this is Monastery of Saint Ioan of Suceava in Suceava town, Bucovina region, north-east Romania
ioakeim 2006.10.18 [17:54] report to moderation
Beautiful church! Where is it? 3
Haritina 2006.10.18 [15:12] report to moderation
Adam Falkowski 2006.10.18 [15:05] report to moderation
very beautiful church !!!!! greetings Jovana! 3
mihaela 2006.10.18 [14:54] report to moderation
Thanks God!
jovana 2006.10.18 [14:42] report to moderation
Thanks Miha!!!
mihaela 2006.10.18 [14:14] report to moderation
Planned to be the Metropolitan Cathedral instead of Mirauti Church, the monastery was started by Bogdan III in 1514 and finished by Stefanita Voda in 1522. The outer painting, of which there are still traces, dates from the period of Petru Rares (1543). The bones of Saint Ioan cel Nou were brought here in 1589 and they are still here nowadays. When it was restored between 1904-1910, the Austrian architect K. Romstorfer used for the roof the enameled and coloured tile and gave it the present form.

Proiectata pentru a fi catedrala mitropolitana in locul bisericii Mirauti, manastirea, cu hramul Sf. Gheorghe, a fost inceputa de Bogdan al III-lea in 1514 si terminata de Stefanita in 1522. Pictura exterioara a bisericii, din care se mai pastreaza si astazi urme, dateaza din timpul lui Petru Rares (1543). Moastele Sf. Ioan cel Nou au fost stramutate de la Mirauti in 1589 si se afla aici si in zilele noastre. O data cu restaurarile din 1904-1910, arhitectul austriac K. Romstorfer a dat acoperisului forma actuala, folosind tigla colorat- smaltuita.

Projete pour etre la cathedrale metropolitane au lieu de l’eglise de Mirauti, le monastere fut commence par Bogdan al III-lea en 1514 et fini par Stefanita Voda en 1522. La peinture exterieure, dont il y a encore des traces, date de la periode de Petru Rares (1543). Les ossements de Saint Ioan cel Nou y furent apportes en 1589 et y se trouvent a nos jours. Lors des restaurations de 1904-1910, l’architecte autrichien K. Romstorfer a utilise pour le toit la tuile emaillee et coloree et lui a donne la forme actuelle.
Sara 2006.10.18 [13:59] report to moderation
gabriel77 2006.10.18 [13:53] report to moderation
:) 3
Xenia 2006.10.18 [13:39] report to moderation
dragoj03 2006.10.18 [13:36] report to moderation
Дивна фотографија
zidan2703 2006.10.18 [13:30] report to moderation
labyrinth 2006.10.18 [13:28] report to moderation
b.backovic 2006.10.18 [13:03] report to moderation
Манастир! :-)!
b.backovic 2006.10.18 [13:02] report to moderation
Врло леп манастит, одлично Јована! Поздрав! 3
irenalozowik 2006.10.18 [12:51] report to moderation
Bojan 2006.10.18 [12:51] report to moderation
mihaela 2006.10.18 [12:51] report to moderation
Wow! Romanian monastery through the eye of my Serbian friend, in Serbian photographic style!;)
Greetings Jokica :))) 3
Lidija M 2006.10.18 [12:51] report to moderation
Dunyasha 2006.10.18 [12:49] report to moderation
mmm 2006.10.18 [12:49] report to moderation
Pit_Zsak_79 2006.10.18 [12:44] report to moderation

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