
2017.12.16 01:22 total/nombre de votes 12/4
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Саборна црква у Сентандреји   favoris  

andrey 2018.06.22 [09:07] informez les administrateurs
m.stefanovic 2017.12.18 [09:44] informez les administrateurs
szolucha.w 2017.12.18 [05:54] informez les administrateurs
bogdan 2017.12.17 [20:21] informez les administrateurs
Подунавац 2017.12.17 [19:00] informez les administrateurs
Orthodox Serbs in the city of Szentendre

During the Austro-Turkish war (1683–1699) relations between Muslims and Serbian Christians in the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire were extremely radicalized, resulting in calls by Muslim religious leaders for the persecution of local Christians and Jews. As a result of oppression, Serbian Christians and their church leaders, headed by Serbian Patriarch Arsenije III sided with the Austrians in 1689. In the following campaigns, Turkish forces conducted systematic atrocities against the Christian population in Serbian regions, resulting in the Great Migration of 1690.
During the Great Turkish War, Serbs were invited to emigrate to Hungary to evade the Ottoman Empire. Because of this invitation, there was a mass emigration of Serbs in 1690 to the Szentendre region. These Serbs left enduring traces on the townscape and its culture. The buildings in the city center have tried to preserve this Serbian influence in their architecture. By the way, seven Serbian Orthodox Churches were built in the city of Szentendre

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