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2006.04.11 19:50 total/number of votes 177/59
views 3588
3 in favorites
photo rights author and orthphoto
Благовещение!.....   favorites  

m.stefanovic 2013.06.07 [13:21] report to moderation
valentina.ave 2013.04.29 [21:29] report to moderation
Super! 3
ursiy 2012.09.22 [22:42] report to moderation
flor 2011.05.17 [20:03] report to moderation
pavla 2010.12.15 [14:27] report to moderation
octav 2010.06.28 [23:02] report to moderation
Boris_SZ 2010.03.11 [12:37] report to moderation
maksim 2010.01.29 [20:54] report to moderation
rastko 2010.01.18 [04:52] report to moderation
evaphoto 2009.09.09 [18:09] report to moderation
great!!!! 3
vera lazarevic 2009.06.16 [08:16] report to moderation
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10, 10, 10
Aimilianos 2008.05.10 [16:36] report to moderation
maria 2007.12.17 [18:31] report to moderation
ts-otter 2007.12.17 [18:29] report to moderation
What a beautiful photo!!! Congratulations 3
SailorCG 2007.12.15 [00:55] report to moderation
rasonna 2007.12.15 [00:53] report to moderation
прекрасно!!! 3
Aldarion 2007.12.15 [00:24] report to moderation
Marius 2007.08.10 [09:29] report to moderation
igrutinovic 2007.07.26 [17:50] report to moderation
Спаси Господи


. 3
daniell 2007.02.24 [09:11] report to moderation
~!!!~ 3
vera lazarevic 2007.02.14 [03:24] report to moderation
Отлично, красиво, прекрасный обычай!!!!!!!!!!!!! Как хорошо и радостно!!! И стихи кстати! Поздравляю! 3
Sarita Montiel 2007.02.05 [19:21] report to moderation
!!!Predivno,beautifull, and this is excellent!!! 3
AleksaSrbin 2006.12.30 [20:06] report to moderation
!!!!!!!!!!! 3
marfusza 2006.12.30 [20:04] report to moderation
very very nice! beautiful view :) 3
ovidiu_m 2006.12.12 [14:00] report to moderation
+++ 3
miszacz 2006.12.05 [00:27] report to moderation
martinovicnl 2006.10.24 [21:27] report to moderation
Very Nice! 3
DejanLazarevic 2006.10.22 [22:43] report to moderation
Мастерство! Привет из Сербии! 3
Bojan 2006.10.09 [18:09] report to moderation
branka 2006.08.28 [17:30] report to moderation
Чудо, как хорошо! 3
popovic 2006.08.22 [20:37] report to moderation
!!!!! 3
aleh69 2006.07.20 [11:43] report to moderation
Christina 2006.06.06 [21:26] report to moderation
фото, по-моему, одно из самых удивительных на сайте! Я вот смотрю на него и не перестаю улыбаться.. Оно просто наполнено светом!

Спасибо, Dionisy, ierei, что поделились со всеми таким чудесным моментом!

спасибо администрации сайта, что его оставили! 3
zakgil 2006.04.19 [17:27] report to moderation
good photo of the week for home page!! :))
fotografu 2006.04.15 [07:26] report to moderation
Sergei 2006.04.14 [21:27] report to moderation
It's really nice that this wonderful shot was unblocked.
It seems to me that before blocking any picture the editorial team of the site should get in touch with the author to clear up some vexed questions concerning the picture. I suppose that namely this approach to the matter will be correct and fair. 3
Dionisy, ierei 2006.04.14 [21:08] report to moderation
Dear brother and sisters!
I'm sorry, that I was offensive.

There is a good Russian Orthodox tradition to free fowled birds at the day of Annunciation.
[the words below are translated by service]
In Day of our Lady by the ancient tradition in Russia always set free birds. Observing this custom, we recollect announcement to people of the Good message about the future birth of the Savior of the world and freedom for all creation.
bogdan 2006.04.14 [12:31] report to moderation
Dajana 2006.04.14 [10:07] report to moderation
јако лијепо!!! 3
slav 2006.04.14 [08:33] report to moderation
jmatusiak 2006.04.14 [05:24] report to moderation
Dear Fr. If possible could you give a brief explanation in English. If that is not possible could someone please expalin the connection to Orthodoxy. It would be very helpful for our non-Russian speakers.
Further, Lekovicil has made some very good and important comments on local traditions within Orthodoxy. This is one of the strongest point of our site, the sharing of local traditions and customs that may be very foreign to others. I wish all a blessed Holy Week.
GuliVar 2006.04.13 [18:04] report to moderation
alik 2006.04.13 [15:56] report to moderation
Dare 2006.04.13 [13:27] report to moderation
paawlos1 2006.04.13 [02:17] report to moderation
jovana 2006.04.12 [23:50] report to moderation
!!!!!!!!! 3
Vladimir 2006.04.12 [23:01] report to moderation
moses916 2006.04.12 [21:55] report to moderation
What an amazing photo! I'm glad its still on the site! =D 3
paulo 2006.04.12 [17:18] report to moderation
I think so too:) The best in English, because most of us don't understand Russian or Serbian.Best wishes!
zoof 2006.04.12 [17:13] report to moderation
I fully support Lazar:
it is very important to give good comment for this kind of photo :)
gruzdev 2006.04.12 [16:20] report to moderation
Отличный, добрый и прекрасно снятый кадр! Не очень, в силу своего знания (точнее незнания) английского понял смысл претензий, но мне очень близки Ваши ответы. 3
Lekovicl 2006.04.12 [15:03] report to moderation
I really like this photo and I am very glad that it stay on the site. I think that it is one of the best ever send on this site.
I know that connection with orthodoxy is not obvious . I don’t understand very good what Fr.Dinisiy say but I think that he say that it is part of tradition and that tradition is every important for orthodox people. I agree with that . What it is problem for us is that most of us can not understand tradition customs of other orthodox peoples before someone explain us. For example if I post photo of one old man with branches in hands for Serbian members it is very connected with faith because it is custom for Christmas, for others it will be simple photo of old man. So it is very important to give good comment for this kind of photo :) .
Adam Falkowski 2006.04.12 [14:14] report to moderation
Nie bardzo wiem jaka jest symbolika tego zdjęcia, ale jest ciekawe. 3
Radek 2006.04.12 [13:48] report to moderation
Fenomenalno! 3
muraszka 2006.04.12 [11:41] report to moderation
perovict 2006.04.12 [11:04] report to moderation

A beautiful custom.

Orthodoxy is life.
marina 2006.04.12 [10:29] report to moderation
Thank you Father , I did not know about this.
Thank you very much ! It is very nice happening !
And fantastic photo !
alik 2006.04.12 [09:26] report to moderation
hi Dionisy, ierei,
I must agree with your comments but please not be so offensive :)
We are still new site and team which is working on it trying to be as good as possible.
We had disusion about rules of uploading photos and we agree that if we do not see conection to orthodoxy we block pictures.
Not everywere there is this kind of tradition.
That's why we block photo and it took some time to unblock - we are working volountar. probably there was noone who could do it right after your explanation.
You are part of the editorial team you have right to question rules and try to convince others :)
And all the users has the same rights.
One way to do it is to discus about on forum :)
Dionisy, ierei 2006.04.12 [09:04] report to moderation
the photo is blocked... marasmus.
you, guys, doing like communists!

при коммунистах управляющие по делам религии решали что можно а что нельзя.
епископов и священников не спрашивали.

вы теперь говорите - это православное, а это нет.
это абсурд!
в кадре должен быть священник, тогда это православное?
или у девочки крест наружу должен быть?

какие задачи у этого сайта?
1) рассказать православным о том какие мы хорошие?

2) или рассказать миру о том, что такое православие????!!!

если 1), тогда до свидания! не вижу пользы от самовосхваления!
если 2), тогда ДУМАЙТЕ прежде чем что-то удалять!

про дискусии - у вас видимо много времени свободного.
у меня нет возможности переводить мои соображения и мысли на английский, простите.
скоро Пасха, очень мало времени.

есть такое русское слово выхолощенный.
английский аналог наверное "empty" или "distilled"

I think, that distilled Orthodoxy is "DEAD religion".
Orthodoxy without Christ!

Dionisy, ierei 2006.04.12 [05:34] report to moderation

В среду, 7 апреля, в Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Алексий II совершил праздничную Божественную литургию в Благовещенском соборе Кремля. Богослужение в этом храме совершается лишь один раз в году, в Престольный праздник – в день Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы.

Стены этого древнего собора, считавшегося домовым храмом русских государей, намолены многими поколениями русских людей, великих князей и царей. И в этот раз в храме собралось множество людей, но еще больше – стояло на улице, на Соборной площади, в ожидании особого торжественного момента. По старинной русской традиции именно в день Благовещения отпускали на волю птиц.

Этот забытый в советское время «обычай милой старины» возродили 10 лет назад. После Богослужения Патриарх Алексий II с крыльца Благовещенского собора выпустил в весеннее небо белых голубей. По словам Патриарха, выпущенные из клетки на свободу птицы напоминают нам, «что и в нашей свободной воле - поиск Царствия Божия».

zakgil 2006.04.12 [05:32] report to moderation
spasibo! :)
Dionisy, ierei 2006.04.12 [05:29] report to moderation
По традиции в праздник Благовещения на свободу выпускают птиц.

Подробнее напишу позже.
Сейчас некогда.

zakgil 2006.04.12 [01:00] report to moderation
it must be on a special day, a special occasion
perovict 2006.04.11 [22:58] report to moderation
Вероватно што на њој нема директних обележја везаних за Православље?
b.backovic 2006.04.11 [22:52] report to moderation
Зашто ове фотографије нема у галерији?????
b.backovic 2006.04.11 [22:43] report to moderation
Висок ниво фотогрфије!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3
irenalozowik 2006.04.11 [22:23] report to moderation
perovict 2006.04.11 [21:54] report to moderation
Бог помого', оче.
Више него одлично! 3
Salomakin O 2006.04.11 [21:42] report to moderation
!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3
marina 2006.04.11 [20:42] report to moderation
Бог помого !

Изузетно добра фотографија !!!!!!!!

Penko Skumov 2006.04.11 [20:39] report to moderation
ugljesa 2006.04.11 [20:18] report to moderation
zakgil 2006.04.11 [20:11] report to moderation
bravo!!!!!!!!!!! 3
milojevic 2006.04.11 [20:07] report to moderation
Бог помого! Поздрав из Србије. 3
LB 2006.04.11 [20:06] report to moderation
!!!!!!!!!!! :-)) Lepo, prelepo!!!
irenalozowik 2006.04.11 [20:01] report to moderation
Lepo, prelepo!!! 3
agaf1 2006.04.11 [19:56] report to moderation
dragoj03 2006.04.11 [19:53] report to moderation
10,10,10,10,10 Прелепо 3

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