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2006.08.05 08:32 total/number of votes 104/35
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at Caldarusani monastery   favorites  

elenna 2011.07.30 [11:02] report to moderation
Ionel777 2008.07.15 [18:23] report to moderation
iliana 2007.11.24 [10:52] report to moderation
Danijela 2007.10.31 [08:41] report to moderation
Antonio B 2007.10.26 [18:38] report to moderation
ovidiu_m 2007.08.01 [08:51] report to moderation
Marius 2007.06.27 [09:04] report to moderation
daniell 2007.01.17 [19:25] report to moderation
!!! 3
Fotie 2007.01.16 [13:20] report to moderation
Parintele Vichentie Dobre-neobositul slujitor al Domnului! 3
relligia 2006.11.15 [16:10] report to moderation
mircea_valcu 2006.09.19 [22:33] report to moderation
Bojan 2006.08.28 [12:02] report to moderation
goran 2006.08.12 [14:39] report to moderation
zidan2703 2006.08.11 [15:13] report to moderation
Pentru rugaciunile Sfantului Ierarh Grigorie Dascalu, Doamne IIsuse Hristoase, miluieste-ne pe noi ! 3
mihaela 2006.08.08 [21:42] report to moderation
mersi si eu pt link, ma gandeam eu ca trebuie sa fie pe undeva
mihaela 2006.08.08 [21:41] report to moderation
Slavă Domnului, Cătălina că mai avem un sfânt canonizat, sper asta sa se întâmple cât mai des.
zinka2 2006.08.08 [21:36] report to moderation
Xenia 2006.08.08 [21:17] report to moderation
Mihaela, îţi mulţumesc pentru informaţii şi pt. troparele sfântului Grigorie Dascălu. Slujba lui este la adresa
gabriel77 2006.08.08 [19:03] report to moderation
alik 2006.08.07 [09:44] report to moderation
very original :) I like it. Maybe could be a little bit darker? 3
igors 2006.08.06 [23:23] report to moderation
miha 2006.08.06 [20:44] report to moderation
asa e, domnule Dinu!
eh, si chiar nu stiu cine e mai citit ca cine :)
sper sa ajung si eu in curand la Caldarusani!

fotografu 2006.08.06 [20:05] report to moderation
"poate ne povestiti cate ceva despre atmosfera de la Caldarusani de cand e sfantul acolo :)"

Nu am cuvinte. Este un loc mirific. AM sa continui seria de la Caldarusani inca 12-16 fotografii, si las pe cei mai cititi ca mine sa povesteasca sau sa dea detalii - eu am fost in transa.
Un loc extraordinar care degaja o incredibila evlavie.
petela 2006.08.05 [15:42] report to moderation
Djakon Zoran 2006.08.05 [15:18] report to moderation
GuliVar 2006.08.05 [15:00] report to moderation
perovict 2006.08.05 [14:45] report to moderation
mihaela 2006.08.05 [14:42] report to moderation
sure, as Saint Apostol Pavel says:

"who wants to teach, has to learn" :) - available for me too :)

perovict 2006.08.05 [14:40] report to moderation
What kind of a teacher I would be if I didn't correct my own mistakes? :)
mihaela 2006.08.05 [14:39] report to moderation
here is the monastery
mihaela 2006.08.05 [14:36] report to moderation
well, so, I read actually "sponge" :)

:) sometimes engineer different from teacher, doesn't make correction ;)

perovict 2006.08.05 [14:34] report to moderation
the photo of a paraman:
perovict 2006.08.05 [14:27] report to moderation
actually a spoon is a wrong choice of words: it was a sponge on top of stick, moistened with vinegar
marina 2006.08.05 [14:13] report to moderation
Stefan Nemanja 2006.08.05 [13:28] report to moderation
!!! 3
Protomarek 2006.08.05 [13:23] report to moderation
mihaela 2006.08.05 [12:54] report to moderation
Tropare ale Sfantului Grigorie Dascălul:

glasul al 2-lea:

De dulceaţa gurii tale celei sfinţite ce îndulceşte Biserica şi de focul râvnei tale se minunează cetele cereşti, că ostenindu-te în tălmăcirea sfintelor învăţături ale părinţilor celor de demult, ai dăruit turmei tale bucuria cunoaşterii lui Dumnezeu, Sfinte Ierarhe Grigorie.

glasul al 3-lea:

Preacinsitit truditor în ogorul dumnezeieştilor slove,
înţelepte următor al Sfinţilor Părinţi,
blând povăţuitor al Ungrovlahiei,
numai cu smerenia ai biruit meşteşugul celor potrivnici.
Pentru aceasta, Sfinte Ierarhe Grigorie, roagă pe Hristos Dumnezeu să ne dăruiască nouă pace şi mare milă.

mihaela 2006.08.05 [12:42] report to moderation
Thanks Tanjica :) Yes, orthodox tradition speaks by itself!!

These are the holy relics of the most newly canonized Romanian saint, Saint Grigorie Dascalu (the Teacher), who was the mitropolit of Vallahia (Tara Romaneasca) who lived at the end of XVIIIth century and begginig of XIXth cent. And now his holy relics may be worshiped at Caldarusani monastery, near Bucharest

perovict 2006.08.05 [12:16] report to moderation
On the bottom side of the tomb closure, one can see a cross, a spear and a spoon. The spear by which our Lord was stabbed when crucified (blood and water, symbols of his human an devine natures, came out of His wound) and the spoon with vinegar, offered to Him by the guards when He said He had been thirsty... These symbols are found on monastic paramans, monks wear on their back.
Excellent photo. 3
pieuczy 2006.08.05 [11:10] report to moderation
agaf1 2006.08.05 [11:04] report to moderation
aleh69 2006.08.05 [11:01] report to moderation
!!!!!! 3
Włodzimierz 2006.08.05 [10:52] report to moderation
calugaru 2006.08.05 [10:17] report to moderation
dragoj03 2006.08.05 [10:15] report to moderation
Haydamak 2006.08.05 [10:02] report to moderation
mihaela 2006.08.05 [09:56] report to moderation
Sfinte Grigorie, roaga-te lui Dumnezeu pentru noi!

mihaela 2006.08.05 [09:55] report to moderation
Superba, domnule Dinu!

Catalina, stiu ca sunt moastele sfantului Grigorie Dascalu, care a fost de curand canonizat, acum 2 luni, si ale carui moaste sunt la Caldarusani.

Domnule Dinu, poate ne povestiti cate ceva despre atmosfera de la Caldarusani de cand e sfantul acolo :)
Xenia 2006.08.05 [09:47] report to moderation
Ce sfinte moaste sunt? 3
b.backovic 2006.08.05 [09:37] report to moderation

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