
11 years with orthphoto

11 years with orthphoto

Today we are celebrating our anniversary. This time it is the Great and Holy Friday, 11th years ago it was Saturday around the time when Holy Light occurs. In terms of the Internet we can say we are quite an old website and we hope we are still very important and necessary for the Church. We are happy that over all these years we have managed to present the beauty of orthodoxy and we have tried to be a real panorthodox community .

This is a good moment to say thank you, to all of you for your activity: uploading photos, voting,  commenting and helping with our events. Without you the website would not have any reason to exist. Like always, we have a small present for you on our anniversary. This time we begin to announce the winners of the month on the top of our site, and in next 2-3 weeks we will start the section  with photo esseys (winners of the month will be the first authors). We have started this project to remind us about older photos and also to learn more about our photographers.

As you know all work on the site is done by volunteers, so our development depends 100% on you. So today I want to ask for your help with:

- promotion of the site in your network (starting from facebook, parish webpages and ending on main orthodox or photo sites in your country). You can write info about site or just promote one from our photos.

- there is still time to send photos for the exhibition – The final deadline is April, 12. You can find more details here: http://www.orthphoto.net/news-single.php?id=1021

- you can help with receiving blessing from your local bishop. We have just added blessings which we have received last year: http://www.orthphoto.net/blessing.php

- please write your ideas about our development, you can suggest changes in design (you can send files with your propositions)

- we need your help with translating the texts into other languages

- You can also think about local events like exhibition (especially new one which we are working on now), meeting of the users, competition, workshop, trip etc. We will be happy if  you will be more active. If we will be able to help you, we will do anything that is possiblee!

- If you could help us financially with our projects we would be also thankful .

More information about your help you can find here: http://www.orthphoto.net/support.php

Like always our anniversary is a good time to present some statistics:
Poland is still on the first place, second Serbia and the third one Romania. All this countries had some visitors during last year. On 4th place we have Russia, which visits had grown for about 60%. If this tendency will be kept next year Russia will be on the second place. Please remember, that it depends more on you how your country is active on our site. To see more statistics you can look here on our forum .

We are hoping that next year will be better, especially because we will have our exhibition and we believe, that together we will work on strengthening our community.

Aleksander Wasyluk and editorial team
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